Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Reflective blog post - Negligent Death of Mixed Martial Arts Fighter

"A very sad event has occured in sport, the death of an athlete trying to make a dramatic weight loss to compete. Was he managed effectively by his support team? What should the support team have been doing to prevent this entirely preventable situation from occuring?"

The simple fact with this tragedy is that the athlete was not managed properly let alone effectively. How in the world is it ethical to tell a fighter he has to lose 33lbs (15kg) in one week, let alone the 11lbs (5kg) he had to lose in the last 24 hours. There is no excuse for the negligence shown by all involved; event coordinators, coaches, support staff and even the athlete themselves.

Even if this tragedy hadn’t unfolded and Souza had made the weight without dying, he would not be in any shape to participate in the fight. He would be so physically depleted of nutrients and metabolites and incredibly dehydrated that had he managed to step into the cage, he probably would have died from the intensity and brutality of the bout.

The support team should never have made it an option for him to fight in this bout. There is no safe way he could have done it. The event coordinators should have been told to find someone who was at or closer to the weight limit or to cancel the bout, which they inevitably had to do due to Souza’s death. The support team needed to refuse to let Souza fight as they had a duty of care to him to ensure his safety. Their negligence ultimately aided in his death and asserted that they either have no idea what they are doing or are blatantly negligent in what they do.

Either way, negligence from several parties have led to a tragic end for an athlete who wanted to compete, this is never ok.


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